Legion of Everblight Solo Gorag Rotteneye (PIP 73112)
Legion of Everblight Blighted Archers (6) (PIP 73009)
Legion of Everblight Template Set (PIP 91139)
Legion of Everblight Warlock Kallus, Devastation of Everblight (PIP 73105)
Legion of Everblight Light Warbeast Nephilim Soldier (PIP 73093)
Legion of Everblight Grotesque Raiders Or Banshees (10) (PIP 73090)
Legion of Everblight Light Warbeast Nephilim Bloodseer (PIP 73089)
Legion of Everblight Gargantuan Blightbringer (PIP 73088)
Legion of Everblight Blighted Archers Or Swordsmen (10) (PIP 73086)
Legion of Everblight Heavy Warbeast Nephilim Character Zuriel (PIP 73079)
Legion of Everblight Light Warbeast Nephilim Protector (PIP 73073)
Legion of Everblight Light Warbeast Nephilim Bolt Thrower (PIP 73072)
Legion of Everblight Warlock Thagrosh, Prophet of Everblight (PIP 73066)
Legion of Everblight Blighted Ogrun Warspears (5) (PIP 73041)
Legion of Everblight Warlock Fyanna, Torment of Everblight (PIP 73106)
Legion of Everblight Warlock Saeryn & Rhyas, Talons of Everblight (PIP 73084)
Legion of Everblight Solo Fyanna the Lash (PIP 73083)
Legion of Everblight Epic Warlock Absylonia, Daughter of Everblight (PIP 73080)
Legion of Everblight Blighted Ogrun Warpspear Chieftain (PIP 73076)
Legion of Everblight Nyss Solo Beast Mistress (PIP 73074)
Legion of Everblight Succubus(PIP 73060)
Legion of Everblight Epic Warlock Vayl, Consul of Everblight (PIP 73059)
Legion of Everblight Warlock Kallus, Wrath of Everblight (PIP 73058)
Legion of Everblight Strider Deathstalker (PIP 73039)