Retribution of Scyrah House Shyeel Magister (PIP 35013)
Khador Winter Guard Rifle Corps (10) (PIP 33068)
Retribution of Scyrah 2016 Faction Deck (PIP 91107)
Minion Mercenary Gobber Tinker (PIP 75045)
Circle Orboros Light Warbeast Razorwing Griffon (PIP 72073)
Mercenary Captain Damiano Warcaster (PIP 41083)
Mercenary Privateer Bloody Bradigan (PIP 41054)
Mercenary Captain Bartolo Montador Warcaster (PIP 41050)
Mercenary Bosun Grogspar (PIP 41046)
Retribution of Scyrah Solo Houseguard Thane (PIP 35062)
Retribution of Scyrah Epic Eiryss, Mage Hunter Commander (PIP 35052)
Retribution of Scyrah Weapon Crew Heavy Rifle Team (PIP 35038)
Retribution of Scyrah Warcaster Garryth, Blade of Retribution (PIP 35005)
Retribution Of Scyrah House Shyeel Battle Mages (6) (PIP 35012)
Cryx Captain Rengrave (PIP 34048)
Khador Iron Fang Solo Kovnik (PIP 33091)
Khador Forward Kommander Sorscha Kratikoff (PIP 33034)
Crucible Guard Rocket Weapon Crew Dragons Breath (PIP 37020)
Protectorate of Menoth Knights Exemplar (6) (PIP 32082)
Protectorate of Menoth Vice Scrutator Vindictus (PIP 32063)
Protectorate of Menoth Allegiant of the Order of the Fist (PIP 32060)
Mercenary Hammerfall High Shield Gun Corp. (6) (PIP 41023)
Infernal Character Solo Lord Roget d'Vyaros (PIP 38019)
Protectorate of Menoth Light Warjack Devout (PIP 32027)